Selasa, 29 April 2014

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

B.     Adding a syliable. Answer the following question using the past tenses of the verb followed by to and another verb. Do not realese the /t/ or /d/ before to, but say the sequence /tt/ or /dt/ together (need to / ‘nidtǝ/, needed to /’niddItǝ/).

1.      When did he need to come?
(He needed to (/’niddItǝ/) to come yesterday.)
2.      What did she want to do?
(She wanted to (/’wǝntIdtǝ) experiment last week.)
3.      Where did they decide to go?
(They decided to (/’di’saidIdtǝ/) Ancol this morning.)
4.      What did she start to do?
(She started to (/’starttǝ/) survey for a place last week.)
5.      When did he expect to be there?
(He expected to (/’ek’spektIdtǝ/) to be there yesterday.)
6.      When did they intend to arrive?
(They intended to (/’in’tendIdtǝ/) arrive last night.)
7.      When did you start to learn English?
(I started to (/’starttǝ/)  learn English when I age seven years old.)
8.      Why did you want to come to the United States?
(I wanted to (/’wǝntIdtǝ) to come to the United States holiday with my family last night.)
9.      When did you decide to come here?
(I decided to (/’di’saidIdtǝ/) come here this night.)
10.  When did you need to apply for visa?
(I needed to (/’niddIdtǝ/) for visa when I get scholarship in the Boston University.)
11.  What did you hate to do when you were a child?
(I hated to (/’heittǝ/) when I were a child.)

C.     Adding a Syllable. Answer the following questions the pas tense of the verb. Don’t drop medial /t/ : started doesn’t sound the same as starred.

1.      When did you start looking for an apartement?
(I started (/t) looking for an apartement last week.)
2.      What did you advisor suggest doing?
(My advisor suggested (/t/) doing I investment securities.)
3.      What did your end up telling your advisor?
(I ended (/Id/) up telling how about a good investment to my advisor.)
4.      How did your roommate first treat you?
(My roommate first treated (/t) a good person.)
5.      Who did you visit over the weekend?
(I visited (/Id/) to village my brother and my sister over the weekend.)
6.      How did you mother sound over the phone?
(My mother sound overed (/d) push button switch the phone.)
7.      How many times did your teacher repeat the instructions?
(My teacher repeated (/Id/) the instructions ten minutes.)
8.      Who did the teacher point at?
(The teacher pointed (/Id/) at Mr. Andi)
9.      What did you avoid doing over the weekend?
(I avoided (/Id/) work doing over the weekend)
10.  How long did you attend high school?
(I attended (/Id/) high school three years ago.)

D.    Linking onto Vowels. Answer the following questions using the past tense of the verb and be sure to link the final /t/ or /d/ to the following word. Remember that /h/ in him and her is silent  when the pronoun is linked to the preceding word.

1.      What did you talk about last night?
(I talked (/t/) about film action last night.)
2.      Who did the class laugh at?
(The class laughed (/t/) at him.)
3.      Who did the teacher stare at angrily?
(The teacher stared (/d/) at angrily her.)
4.      Which room did you walk into by mistake?
(I walked (/t/) into room empty by mistake.)
5.      Why did the teacher turn around?
(The teacher turned (/d/) around by car.)
6.      When did he ask her out?
(He asked (/t/) her out yesterday)
7.      Who did you introduce him to?
(I introduce (/t/) him to Andi.)
8.      What sport did you play in high school?
(I played (/d/) sport football in high school.)
9.      When did you hel your roommate?
(I helped (/t/) my roommate last night.)
10.  When did your father marry your mother?
(My father marryed (/d/) my mother last years.)

F.      Change the  following verb to the past tense. Write /Id/ (extra syllable), /t/, or /d/ to show how to pronounce the past tense <ed> ending. (Optional: put each word in a short sentence).

1.      Opened (/d/)
2.      Refused (/d/)
3.      Attended (/Id/)
4.      Climbed (/d/)
5.      Persuade (/d/)
6.      Preferred (/d/)
7.      Hurried (/d/)
8.      Charge (/d/)
9.      Arrived (/d/)
10.  Lasted (/t/)
11.  Correct (/Id/)
12.  Relaxed (/t/)
13.  Hopped (/t/)
14.  Enjoyed (/Id/)
15.  Related (/d/)
16.  Remembered (/d/)
17.  Controled (/d/)
18.  Ased (/d/)
19.  Pretended (/Id/)
20.  Died (/d/)
21.  Shouted (/t/)
22.  Watched (/t/)
23.  Explained (/d/)
24.  Sewed (/d/)
25.  Sliped (/t/)
26.  Exchanged (/d/)
27.  Reminded (/Id/)
28.  Huged (/d/)

Selasa, 01 April 2014


Pengertian Tenses
Tenses adalah bentuk kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menunjukkan waktu (sekarang, masa depan, atau masa lalu) terjadinya suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa. 

Penggolongan Tenses

1.Simple Present Tense : Tense ini untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, dan kejadian yang terjadi pada saat sekarang ini.
Rumus :
(+)  S + V1 (s/es)
(-)   S + do/does + NOT+V1
(?)  do/does + NOT + V1

2.Present Continuous Tense : Tense ini untuk membicarakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung sekarang atau rencana dimasa depan.
Rumus :
(+)  S + to be + V – ing
(-)   S+to be + NOT +V- ing
(?)  To be + S +  V - ing

3.Present Perfect Tense : Tense ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu aktivitas atau situasi yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu atau masih berlanjut sampai sekarang.
Rumus :
(+)  S + have/has + V3
(-)   S + have/has + NOT + V3
(?)   Have/has + S + V3

4.Simple Past Tense : Tense ini untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian terjadi dimasa lampau.
Rumus :
(+)  S + V2
(-)   S + did not + V1
(?)  did + S + V1

5.Past Continuous Tense : Tense ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aksi sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu dimasa lampau.
Rumus :
(+)  S + was/were +  V- ing
(-)   S + was/were +   NOT + V-ing
(?)   was/were + s +  V-ing

6.Past Perfect Tense : Tense ini untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi.
Rumus :
(+) = S + Had + V3
(-) = S + had + NOT+ V3
(?) = Had + S + V3

7.Simple Future Tense : Tense ini untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi terjadi dimasa depan, baik secara spontan, maupun terencana.
Rumus :
(+)  S + will + V1
(-)   S + will + NOT + V1
(?)  Will + S + V1

8.Future Continuous Tense : Tense ini untuk mengungkapkan aksi yang akan sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa depan.
Rumus :
(+)  S + will + be  +  V – ing
(-)  S + will + be  + NOT + V – ing
(?)  Will + S + be  + V – ing

9.Future Perfect Tense : Tense ini untuk mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aktivitas akan sudah selesai pada suatu titik waktu di masa depan.
Rumus :
(+) S + will + have/has + V3
(-)  S + will + NOT + V3
(?) Will + S + have/has + V3

Contoh Kalimat :

1.Simple Past Tenses
(+) They went to school yesterday
(-) They did not go to school yesterday.
(?) Did they go to school yesterday ?

2. Simple Present Tenses
(+) She reads a newspaper in the class.
(-)  She doesn't read a newspaper in the class.
(?)  Does she read a newspaper in the class ?

3. Simple Future Tenses
(+) He will buy a laptop tonight.
(-) He won’t buy a laptop tonight.
(?) Will he buy a laptop tonight ?

4. Past Continuous Tenses
(+) She was calling when I sleep.
(-) She was not calling when I sleep.
(?) Was she calling when I sleep ?

5. Present Continuous Tenses
(+) Maria is listening a music.
(-) Maria is not listening a music.
(?) Is Maria listening a music ?

6. Future Continuous Tenses
(+) You will be cooking rice tonight.
(-)  You will not be cooking rice tonight.
(?)  Will you be cooking rice tonight ?

7. Pas Perfect Tenses
(+) We had been here before 24 May.
(-) We had not been here before 24 May.
(?) had we been here before 24 May ?

8. Present Perfect Tenses
(+)  She has cleaned the mirror.
(-) She has not cleaned the mirror.
(?) Has she cleaned the mirror ?

9. Future Perfect Tenses
(+) They will have lived in my house next week.
(-) They will not have lived in my house next week.
(?) Will they have lived in my house next week ?

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